The Habits Challenge is a 3 month long, FREE, text based service designed to help people practice healthy and sustainable habits, grow with their community and encourage the societal changes we wish to see in the world, like less litter on the ground. We hope to one day make this an app to encourage collaboration and competition that push us to become better humans!

There will be EXCLUSIVE PRIZES, from sustainable businesses, for those that do the best in their respective categories, and those that keep their daily streaks going!
How does it work?
Each participant will get a daily reminder text to help them form the habits of their choosing!
There are 3 habit choices for this iteration.

1. Picking up a piece of litter a day

2. Taking a shorter shower
3. Spending 5 minutes on physical activity
Each reminder text will have a response link you can use to update your progress. There will be weekly and monthly leader boards to help you compete against your peers and friends!
Why is this important?
Each habit includes an obvious goal, as well as a further reaching vision. For example, the shorter shower habit encourages and

is not only about the user becoming part of a community that is more mindful about their water usage (saving money, water and electricity doing so) but ALSO, that their actions help change the norms around how people value water.
Published On: March 4th, 2023 / Categories: Uncategorized /

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